Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Fax ?
A: Fax Safely lets you send a fax to any fax machine in the United States (including Puerto Rico) or Canada. You don't need a fax machine yourself, but you do need a valid e-mail address.
Q: How does Fax Safely work?
- 1. First, fill out the fax form. Be sure to include your valid e-mail address and carefully type the Confirmation Code. (This helps us prevent system abuse.)
- 2. Type the text of your fax or attach a file, then click the Send Fax Now button.
- 3. Next, you'll receive a confirmation message in your e-mail. Click the URL in that message. Your fax won't be transmitted until you do this. (If you're using a spam filter, please add [email protected] to your contacts list to ensure you receive the email from us.)
- 4. We will attempt to deliver your fax. You’ll receive an e-mail message to confirm when it has been delivered or to notify you if it couldn't be transmitted for any reason.
Q: What type of documents can I send?
You can either type or paste your fax message into the "Type text to appear on the cover page" box, or attach a file from your computer. Supported file formats include:
- Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX, or RTF)
- Image files (PNG, JPG)
- Excel spreadsheets (XLS, XLSX)
- Other supported formats: TXT, HTML, TIFF, GIF, and PPT (PowerPoint)
Q: I attached a supported file type, but the fax still failed.
- HTML: Many HTML files saved from browsers contain or reference JavaScript, which can prevent successful conversion for faxing. Instead of saving the webpage as HTML, try printing it into a PDF file.
- PDF: If the PDF is password-protected, it cannot be converted for faxing. Either remove the password (if you’re the creator) or open the document, enter the password, and print the document to another PDF without password security.
Q: What's your privacy policy?
A: We do not send unsolicited e-mails or faxes. However, users will receive essential e-mails (such as confirmation messages) as part of the service.
Your name, company name, e-mail address, and IP address will appear in the "Sender Information" area of the fax.
Fax Safely will not share your information, or the information of those you send faxes to, with marketers or other third parties, unless compelled by court order or subpoena.
Technical Questions
Q: Should I type the 1 before the area code in the Fax # field?
A: You can, but it’s not required. Simply enter the area code and phone number (10 digits). Parentheses and dashes are optional.
Q: Is Fax Safely secure?
A: Yes. All user information is encrypted and submitted via HTTPS, and outbound communications from our server are secured using SSL or TLS. Our security measures meet industry standards.
Q: What kind of information is stored on the server from a fax?
A: Fax Safely stores fax data (such as sender email and destination fax number) indefinitely, but the fax content itself is only stored as long as necessary for service delivery and diagnostics. Fax content is deleted within three days of transmission.
Q: I entered a voice number, and it keeps calling. Can you make it stop?
A: Unfortunately, once a fax is queued, we can't stop the system from attempting delivery. The system will try 5 times before giving up, and you'll receive a failure notice via e-mail.
Q: I tried to fax a scanned image, but it was transmitted as very light or blank pages. Why?
A: Fax protocol is purely black and white. Scanning in grayscale or color can result in a very light gray image when converted to black and white. For best results, set your scanner to monochrome (1-bit)/black and white at 200 DPI.
Q: I didn’t receive the e-mail to confirm my e-mail address. Why?
A: Here are a few reasons:
- Free Faxes Only: The email confirmation step applies to free faxes, not premium ones.
- Hotmail delay: Emails to Hotmail accounts can be delayed by 3 to 5 hours. If possible, use a different email service such as Gmail.
- Spam filter: Next, you'll receive a confirmation message in your e-mail. Click the URL in that message. Your fax won't be transmitted until you do this. (If you're using a spam filter, please add [email protected] to your contacts list to ensure you receive the email from us.)
If you still haven’t received the confirmation email for your free fax, there’s nothing we can do. Try using a different email address.
Q: How can I send more than 1 page in a single fax?
A: You have two options:
- 1. Attach a single file (DOC or PDF) that contains multiple pages.
- 2. Attach multiple documents to your fax (instructions available on the website).
Q: I’m having trouble sending a very large file. What do I do?
A: Ensure the combined size of your attachments is under 49 MB. Be patient while your document uploads. Large files can take time to upload, even with a fast internet connection.
Q: I’m sending multiple file attachments, but one didn’t go through.
A: Please refer to the instructions on our website on how to attach files correctly to your fax.
Q: I haven’t received a final confirmation e-mail saying my fax was delivered. Why?
A: This is a common question. If you don’t receive a confirmation message within 30 minutes, it may have ended up in your spam folder. Please check there first.
You’ll also be given a URL for a private fax status page after confirming your fax. Save this URL to track your fax’s status.